IndyCar Denounces Content of
FOX Television's "When Disasters Strike"

©1996 SpeedCenter Internet Publishing, Inc.

Last Minute Efforts Fail to Remove Footage

Note: SpeedCenter joins IndyCar in the denouncing of FOX Television's broadcast of "When Disaster Strikes." If you would like to express your opinions to the management at FOX Entertainment, email to: Ask FOX.

DETROIT (Oct. 29) – Last evening, Monday, Oct. 28, the Fox television network nationally aired a program entitled When Disasters Strike during prime-time viewing hours. The one-hour program graphically recounted dozens of accidents and natural disasters that have occurred in recent years.

Regretfully, included in the show’s content was footage of the July 14 race accident at Toronto that took the lives of IndyCar driver Jeff Krosnoff and course marshal Gary Avrin. The accident was shown twice (once in slow motion) and also used, in part, to promote the program in advertisements leading up to the broadcast. Additional IndyCar footage of the race start and pit stops was also included in the segment.

IndyCar wants it to be known that this organization highly objects to the exploitation of the Toronto tragedy in this manner. We are appalled by the complete lack of sensitivity shown for the family and friends of the Toronto victims who may have been inadvertently subjected to both the program and its preceding advertisements. IndyCar condemns the tasteless use of the Toronto footage in a show loosely defined as entertainment programming.

Furthermore, by no means did IndyCar grant permission to the program’s production company or the Fox television network to use the Toronto footage. In fact, IndyCar made every attempt to have the segment deleted from the show after learning, second hand and very late on Monday afternoon, that the program included the Toronto footage.

Although our last-minute efforts failed to have the segment pulled, IndyCar will immediately conduct a thorough investigation to determine how the show’s production company and the Fox television network obtained the footage and under what authority were they able to include it in When Disasters Strike. We are determined to take whatever action necessary to ensure that the Toronto segment is not included in any future editions of the program concerned.