Swift On Schedule With First-Ever Indy car
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Long Hours Paying Off

LINCOLNSHIRE, IL - News from Swift Engineering in San Clemente, Calif. is that the first-ever Swift Indy car is proceeding on schedule.

Engineers and staff members are working long hours to ensure that the car lives up to the high standards of Swift Engineering and Newman/Haas Racing. Many of the Newman/Haas employees have been traveling to and from Swift and will continue to do so until the first car is ready at the end of the year.

Newman/Haas engineers Peter Gibbons and Brian Lisles have been traveling to Swift between the test sessions as have the entire engineering staff.

Jim Chapman, vice president of manufacturing at Swift Engineering, had the following comments:

"The schedule is extremely tight, we know it from day one. The car is presently on schedule to be ready at the end of the year. We probably only need one small hiccup to put us behind. We are really relying heavily on our vendors and they have been working hard to keep on schedule. The second car should only be two weeks behind the first one. The entire staff is putting in a tremendous effort for this project. The average work week is about 70 hours. They payback for us will be our first win."

Source: IndyCar News Service