Honda is KOOL
©1996 SpeedCenter Internet Publishing, Inc.

Team KOOL Green To Use Honda Engines

Honda Performance Development, Inc. (HPD), a subsidiary of American Honda Motor Company, Inc., announced Wednesday that it has entered into an agreement to supply Honda Indy car engines to Team KOOL Green beginning with the 1997 PPG CART World Series season.

"We’re excited to be starting our association with Honda," said Barry Green, owner of Team KOOL Green. "Honda certainly has demonstrated its capabilities over the past two seasons and has proven they are winners. We believe this is the start of a long and successful relationship between Honda and Team KOOL Green."

"We are very pleased that Team KOOL Green will utilize the Honda V-8 engine next year," said Robert Clarke, general manager of HPD. "Barry Green’s team is both experienced and capable, with a record of winning races and championships. We’re also delighted to continue our long association with Parker Johnstone, who has played a major role in our engine development program."

Johnstone, who raced with Honda V-8 power as part of the Brix Comptech Racing team in 1996, will drive the Brown & Williamson sponsored Team KOOL Green Reynard Honda next season.

Source: CART News Service