Lola To Provide Cars And Parts Directly To Customers

With effect from November 1, 1996, Lola Cars will supply racing cars with parts direct to its customer teams in the USA.

The current arrangement whereby Carl A. Haas Automobile Imports Inc. acts as Lola’s distributor will come to an end on October 31 this year.

In the meantime Haas Auto will continue to supply a SpeedCenter service for Lola Indy and Indy Lights teams at all races, and to distribute Lola cars and parts from its Lincolnshire, Ill. base. However, orders for 1997 model cars will be handled by Lola, who will also assume any such orders already placed.

"After our long relationship, it has been a difficult decision," said Lola Cars Chairman Eric Broadley, "but the racing car business has changed dramatically over the last few years and a different approach has become essential. Teams no longer just buy cars and parts, they demand a complete integrated package, including engineering and development back-up, and that can only be effectively provided by the manufacturer directly. The level of commercial competition also dictates that we operate as flat a structure as possible while continually striving to improve the quality of our service."

Further details of Lola’s distribution and SpeedCenter spare parts operations will follow in due course.

Source: IndyCar website

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